Australia could do a lot better with footpaths. Even in Newcastle, there are major arterial roads with no adjoining footpaths. It does not encourage safe cycling or safe walking. Good on you, Alex, keep cycling, keep walking!!
Haha thanks, Jim! The most frustrating thing about cycling on footpaths (which I know I shouldn't do) is when they just abruptly, steeply end, without giving me a little ramp. How hard can it be to include this?! It helps out a variety of people who use wheels to get around.
I listened to this on my commute to work, like a podcast 😁. Interestingly. I have made a journey in the other direction, moving from bike or public transport everywhere. Not having a car or a drivers license until I moved to the US. I’ve tried to keep my my no-car life style. I ride my bike a lot more then most Americans, but as my less then 5 mile drive to work, taking up a huge amount of space in my Subaru all by myself, proves. I’m failing. I’m hoping that I can turn my kids into the cool whipper snappers who take the bus or the bike (although Oscar is already obsessed with cars, so I doubt it ) 😭
Yay, thanks for listening! I don't think it's fair to think of it as "failing" though. I mean we can only do so much with the space around us. Is there a bus or train route on your way to work? You know the ways of the car-free life better than most people, and even if you can't do it at the moment, it's something you can celebrate and tell others including your children about. PS I should start a TikTok account for Oscar, the soon-to-be public transport trendsetter! The cars obsession is a phase, ahahhaaha.
Australia could do a lot better with footpaths. Even in Newcastle, there are major arterial roads with no adjoining footpaths. It does not encourage safe cycling or safe walking. Good on you, Alex, keep cycling, keep walking!!
Haha thanks, Jim! The most frustrating thing about cycling on footpaths (which I know I shouldn't do) is when they just abruptly, steeply end, without giving me a little ramp. How hard can it be to include this?! It helps out a variety of people who use wheels to get around.
I listened to this on my commute to work, like a podcast 😁. Interestingly. I have made a journey in the other direction, moving from bike or public transport everywhere. Not having a car or a drivers license until I moved to the US. I’ve tried to keep my my no-car life style. I ride my bike a lot more then most Americans, but as my less then 5 mile drive to work, taking up a huge amount of space in my Subaru all by myself, proves. I’m failing. I’m hoping that I can turn my kids into the cool whipper snappers who take the bus or the bike (although Oscar is already obsessed with cars, so I doubt it ) 😭
Yay, thanks for listening! I don't think it's fair to think of it as "failing" though. I mean we can only do so much with the space around us. Is there a bus or train route on your way to work? You know the ways of the car-free life better than most people, and even if you can't do it at the moment, it's something you can celebrate and tell others including your children about. PS I should start a TikTok account for Oscar, the soon-to-be public transport trendsetter! The cars obsession is a phase, ahahhaaha.